dijous, 8 d’abril del 2010


"It's very difficult to stop Messi. He currently is in a good way and is playing very well," said Eusebio, who attended the investiture of Johan Cruyff on condition of honorary president of Benfica.

The star lusa avoided ruling between Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi, but firmly believes that Messi is the best player in the world and will receive the Golden Ball as such it credits the month of December.

To Sir Bobby Charlton, Manchester United legend and honorary president of the English club, the fitness of Leo Messi is a serious problem for their opponents.

"At this moment is the number one. It is just unbelievable what he does. It's who enjoys football. It is in very good shape and is a fantastic player. It is legal and has a great definition in front of goal," explained one When he had completed the tribute to Johan Cruyff.

"Johan is a good friend of mine, in that I play golf in Scotland. His appointment represents a major contribution to Barcelona because he will give voice everywhere. Barça's decision was appropriate," said to have been chosen as the best English player of all time.

Create the classic depend on Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo

Charlton admitted that the Catalan club is the favorite to win the Champions League this year, although it is least favorite in the Classic on Saturday, as it believes that the outcome will be decided depending on whether Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi "become Player of the game. "

The former England player believes that Messi "is very confident and not afraid to make decisions. Cracks and other years are past. Now is Messi and can overcome all records, and even multiply by ten. Just 22 years, and is not afraid, "the current honorary president of Manchester United.

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