dijous, 15 d’abril del 2010

Christmas and Ferrero will cross in quarters(rooms)

Christmas and Ferrero will cross in quarters(rooms)
* The German tennis player annotated his(her,your) first game spent(passed) 50 minutes of party(game) * It(He,She) has returned to see in Montecarlo the best version of the right of Christmas * For your(his,her,their) part, Ferrero has striven of Tsonga enter(approach) sets (6-1, 3-6 and 7-5) * All the results of the day in Montecarlo
Related videoes To see video ' Easy début for Nadal'Vídeo Fácil début for Christmas To see Christmas video ': " I Have played calmly, with confidence " ' Video Christmas: " I Have played calmly, with confidence " To see Christmas video ' turns to his(her,your) principado'Vídeo Christmas to return to his(her,your) principality related News We Possess(Rely on) you Christmas and Ferrero will cross in quarters(rooms) The Tyrant of Montecarlo Rafa Nadal to recover his(her,your) sensations: " I Am happier than he looks like " PHILIP FERNÁNDEZFELIPE [?Cuidado! El texto que desea traducir contiene demasiado caracteres. Por eso la traducción ha sido dividida.]

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