dilluns, 11 de gener del 2010


My name is Shay and I am from Australia. I wanted to be a doctor, but finally I studied Psychology at university. In Australia sport is very popular so I played netball for about 15 years. At high school I studied Japanese for 5 years and after university I went to live in Japan for 4 years. Japan is my favourite country and I love Japanese culture. I lived in Nagoya and Hiroshima, but when I speak Japanese I have a Hiroshima-ben accent because I lived with a Japanese family in Hiroshima. In my free time I love to travel, my dream is to spend Christmas in New York and also to visit St. Petersberg in Russia and Reykjavik in Iceland. I also like to read books, I have my own personal library with over 200 books. At the moment I am interested in Scrapbooking. I decorate my travel albums and make books of my own. I have been living in Barcelona now for 7 years. My favourite Catalan food is “Pa amb Tomaquet” and my favourite holiday is St. Jordi, April 23.

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